Feb 16, 2007

Thanks to my secret pal

Thank you to my secret pal!! I got this pretty purple package in the mail today. When I opened it, I was so excited to see that my secret pal not only included a gift for Lucy (our soon to be daughter), but she also included a gift for my son. We were given two red envelope cards -- one for Lucy and one for Zachary, two headbands, a set of slide drums for Zachary, a dragon bell thingy (I have seen them, but do not know what to call them), and the most precious book. The title of the book is My Little Love Bug. The book is absolutely adorable, but even more wonderful was my 6 year old reading the book aloud. I can only imagine the day that he can read the book to Lucy! Thank you so much to Jennifer and Calvin Dillon. You really made my day! Erica Dick

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