Apr 16, 2007

Thanks SP!

What a fabulous package! It even included snacks for us, our kitty and dog. "A Quilt of Wishes", it's a children's version of the 100 WishesQuilt. I had been wanting it since I saw someone's blog post about it. How exciting! And I also got "A Mother for Choco", sweet little bookabout a yellow bird who needs a mom. And "Panda Bear, Panda Bear, WhatDo You See?", with drawings of lots of great animals. AND! 5 Squares/Wishes, my how my collection grew today!!!!What a fabulous surprise to come home to on a Monday. Even Chris got into it and was helping me unwrap the presents!
I'll post who my SP is after everyone has received their gifts.
Thanks so much.Julie (& Chris)LID 1.24.07

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